Opportunities as a Sea Cadet
Through Sea Cadet leadership, cadets learn skills in basic seamanship and its naval adaptations, while also learning the values of patriotism, courage, self-reliance, teamwork, and accountability.
Membership in the NSCC allows youth to sample military life with no obligation to join any branch of the armed forces. Should cadets decide to enlist in the Navy or Coast Guard, their training may allow them entry at an advanced pay grade. Historically, a number of Sea Cadets have received scholarships and appointments to military academies.
Cadets have the opportunity every summer and winter to attend advanced training. But first, every Cadet must go through and pass Recruit Training. After Recruit Training, cadets are eligible for an impressive selection of training courses:
- Medical training
- Petty Officer Leadership Academy
- Sailing
- Submarine Orientation
- Seabee Training
- SEAL Training
- Cyber-Patriot / Security
- Culinary Arts
- Veterinary School
- Basic & Advanced Airman
- FAA Ground School
- Amphibious
- Naval Special Warfare Orientation Courses
- International Exchange
- STEM / Robotics
- Survival
A cadet must pass the physical readiness test to attend orientation training, recruit training, and advanced trainings.
USNSCC Eligibility Requirements
The NSCC/NLCC affords equal opportunity to participate in all young Americans regardless of race, color, religion or gender. To qualify for our senior program, the NSCC, the prospective cadet must be between 13 and 17 years of age. Youth ages 10-13 can apply for our junior program, the NLCC. The prospective cadet must be unmarried and a full-time student in good academic standing and of good moral character. Eligibility requirements may be found in the USNSCC Regulations.
A medical examination similar to a high school sports physical is required for all cadet applicants to the NSCC or NLCC. No one will be denied admission to the NSCC/NLCC due to a medical disability. Where a medical condition precludes full, unlimited participation, a Request for Accommodation may be presented by the parent or guardian for review so the cadet may participate in NSCC activities to the maximum extent possible. The procedures for requesting accommodation can be found in the NSCC Medical Reference Manual.
In addition to having an interest in the program, all prospective cadets must have parental consent and must be prepared to attend drills regularly in order to enroll. Cadets need to be ready to have fun and be willing to learn new things.
Becoming a Cadet should not be taken lightly. It takes dedication, motivation, and hard work. However, the benefits outweigh all costs; friends, having fun, and envious experiences. Becoming a cadet means that you are welcomed into a tightly knit family where cadets, no matter how far, maintain contact and build life-lasting friendships. Becoming a cadet opens your life to many different opportunities, gives you a taste for the military lifestyle, and makes you stand out amongst your peers.
Every unit is required to conduct a specific number of mandatory drills each year. Our unit conducts drill/community service, or field activities one weekend a month. Most are mandatory. Each drill is held on Saturday and Sunday and typically begins at 7:30 and ends at 3:00. We discourage parents from picking up cadets early and disrupting the discipline of the drill routine. However, parents are always welcome to observe drills and final muster. The Commanding (CO) is usually available at the end of each drill to talk with parents.
The current cost of enrollment is $225. There is also a uniform deposit fee of $150, $100 of which is refundable upon the cadet’s exit from the program and the uniforms are returned in good condition. Training deposits vary by the duration of the event, but typically cost about $150/week, $200 for a nine- to 10-day event and $300 for a 14-day event. The training deposit covers instruction and room and board. Event attendance is voluntary but strongly encouraged. These costs vary from event to event. To find out more about specific costs, contact the Training Officer.